Members of the Pinnacle Conservation team Valerio and Wojteck, carefully conserved the portrait bust of Mary Wandesford, located within the projecting central pediment to the South-West facing façade of Grade II* listed Wandesford House, located at 37 Bootham, approximately 300m from York Minster.
The team undertook the following high quality conservation works:
- Repair all the areas affected by delamination with a lime-based mortar, matching colour and texture
- Repoint all the perimeter at the back of the bust, connecting stone/bricks with a lime-based mortar to prevent debris and water collection
- Installation of low-visible plastic mesh using stainless stell fixing, as a pest control measure and to prevent the event of falling materials
- Implementation of quinquennial inspection regime using photographic documentation
- Clean stone surfaces with low pressure steam cleaner to remove pollutants
- Application of alkaline based poultice
- Consolidation of the stone with nano lime products